Save Our
Public Charter Schools
Save Our
Public Charter
The public charter school
community is under attack.
We need your help!
I’m a paragraph. Double click here or click Edit Text to add some text of your own or to change the font. This is the place for you to tell your site visitors a little bit about you and your services.
How are they trying to stop
Public Charters?
Nevada State Assembly’s Education Committee has introduced AB462, a new bill that would end all new public charter schools.
Nevada is one of the lowest rated public school systems in the nation. However, public charter schools have proven to be a powerful tool in changing that narrative and improving performance. Nevada public charter schools have performed, on average, higher than traditional public schools in the states performance framework.
A moratorium on all new public charter schools would prevent the ongoing development of new education programs, and would disadvantage the tens of thousands of students currently sitting on waitlists awaiting the opportunity to attend a public charter school. AB 462 is an unnecessary limitation on a positive movement in Nevada's public education system.
The key to reaching out to any elected official
is to personalize it as much as you can.
We are asking for your help
to stop this legislation
Sample Talking Points
The key to reaching out to any elected official is to personalize it as much as you can. Personal stories and personal experiences always resonate more than a generic form letter. Below are some sample talking points but again, if you are able to personalize them, that would make them more effective.
A key point to remember: every time you mention “charter school” you need to say “P UBLIC charter school.” It is amazing how many people think charter schools are private schools. So always say or write “PUBLIC charter schools.”
My name is _____ and I am writing because I am strongly opposed to AB462.
My child, has had X experience this Y school. Why would you want to deny this opportunity to others?
We are constantly talking about improving Nevada’s education, why would we take away something that is working and is part of the solution?
I was under the impression that the entire point and focus should be on what is best for the child. How is saying no to the thousands of kids statewide who are now on a waiting list being fair to them and forcing kids into overcrowded classrooms?
Public charter schools are meeting a need for our underrepresented communities. Now more than ever because of public charter schools, students of color, students with disabilities, and students from working families now have more opportunities for academic success.
Public charter schools recognize that some children learn differently and public charters are able to implement different learning methods to meet those needs. It would be unfair to deny some students the opportunity to learn under a method that is better for them.
Our state’s classrooms are chronically overcrowded, why would we put a moratorium on the building of any new public school?
Email or Call
Assembly Education Committee
The first opportunity to let our voices be heard is in the Assembly Education Committee. The members of that committee and their email addresses are listed below. Please email them and say “Opposed to AB462” and then a personal story or reason why you support public charter schools.
Chairman Tyrone Thompson
(775) 684-8569
Assemblyman Edgar Flores
(Vice Chair of Committee)
(775) 684-8583
Assemblywoman Beatrice Duran
(775) 684-8553
Assemblywoman Michelle Gorelow
(775) 684-8573
Assemblywoman Brittney Miller
(775) 684-8833
Assemblywoman Connie Munk
(775) 684-8829
Assemblywoman Sarah Peters
(775) 684-8559
Assemblywoman Selena Torres
(775) 684-8599
Assemblywoman Alexis Hansen
(775) 684-8851
Assemblywoman Melissa Hardy
(775) 684-8823
Assemblywomen Lisa Krasner
(775) 684-8848
Assemblywoman Jill Tolles
(775) 684-8837
We are asking for your help
to stop this legislation
The most effective and needed help is to have you come to the Committee meetings in Carson City or Las Vegas and provide public testimony. We need people at every one of the meetings listed below.
Assembly Education Committee meets every Tuesday and Thursday at 1:30pm in the Legislative Building Room 3138.
The Legislative Building is located at 401 S. Carson St., Carson City Nevada.
You can also provide testimony in Las Vegas at the Grant Sawyer Building which is located at 555 E. Washington Ave., Las Vegas, Nevada.
Please help us stop this legislation and continue to improve education in Nevada!