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CSAN Regional Meeting

Karen Evans, Director of Organizational Leadership at Accord Education

Hello CSAN Members![if gte vml 1]><v:shapetype id="_x0000_t75" coordsize="21600,21600" o:spt="75" o:preferrelative="t" path="m@4@5l@4@11@9@11@9@5xe" filled="f" stroked="f"> <v:stroke joinstyle="miter"></v:stroke> <v:formulas> <v:f eqn="if lineDrawn pixelLineWidth 0"></v:f> <v:f eqn="sum @0 1 0"></v:f> <v:f eqn="sum 0 0 @1"></v:f> <v:f eqn="prod @2 1 2"></v:f> <v:f eqn="prod @3 21600 pixelWidth"></v:f> <v:f eqn="prod @3 21600 pixelHeight"></v:f> <v:f eqn="sum @0 0 1"></v:f> <v:f eqn="prod @6 1 2"></v:f> <v:f eqn="prod @7 21600 pixelWidth"></v:f> <v:f eqn="sum @8 21600 0"></v:f> <v:f eqn="prod @7 21600 pixelHeight"></v:f> <v:f eqn="sum @10 21600 0"></v:f> </v:formulas> <v:path o:extrusionok="f" gradientshapeok="t" o:connecttype="rect"></v:path> <o:lock v:ext="edit" aspectratio="t"></o:lock> </v:shapetype><v:shape id="Picture_x0020_13" o:spid="_x0000_s1026" type="#_x0000_t75" alt="" style='position:absolute;margin-left:38.8pt;margin-top:0;width:90pt;height:115.2pt; z-index:251658240;visibility:visible;mso-wrap-style:square; mso-width-percent:0;mso-height-percent:0;mso-wrap-distance-left:0; mso-wrap-distance-top:0;mso-wrap-distance-right:0;mso-wrap-distance-bottom:0; mso-position-horizontal:right;mso-position-horizontal-relative:text; mso-position-vertical:absolute;mso-position-vertical-relative:line; mso-width-percent:0;mso-height-percent:0;mso-width-relative:page; mso-height-relative:page' o:allowoverlap="f"> <v:imagedata src="file:///C:/Users/BRYCE~1.THI/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image001.jpg" o:href=""></v:imagedata> <w:wrap type="square" anchory="line"></w:wrap> </v:shape><![endif][if !vml][endif] My name is Karen Evans and I am Director of Organizational Leadership at Accord Education. We are a nonprofit partnering with CSAN to bring you engaging, high-quality networking and learning opportunities through a series of Regional Meetings. I have the pleasure of working with you to make these get-togethers rich, efficient, and meaningful.

Help us make our time useful to you! What topics would you like to hear about and discuss?[if gte vml 1]><v:shapetype id="_x0000_t75" coordsize="21600,21600" o:spt="75" o:preferrelative="t" path="m@4@5l@4@11@9@11@9@5xe" filled="f" stroked="f"> <v:stroke joinstyle="miter"></v:stroke> <v:formulas> <v:f eqn="if lineDrawn pixelLineWidth 0"></v:f> <v:f eqn="sum @0 1 0"></v:f> <v:f eqn="sum 0 0 @1"></v:f> <v:f eqn="prod @2 1 2"></v:f> <v:f eqn="prod @3 21600 pixelWidth"></v:f> <v:f eqn="prod @3 21600 pixelHeight"></v:f> <v:f eqn="sum @0 0 1"></v:f> <v:f eqn="prod @6 1 2"></v:f> <v:f eqn="prod @7 21600 pixelWidth"></v:f> <v:f eqn="sum @8 21600 0"></v:f> <v:f eqn="prod @7 21600 pixelHeight"></v:f> <v:f eqn="sum @10 21600 0"></v:f> </v:formulas> <v:path o:extrusionok="f" gradientshapeok="t" o:connecttype="rect"></v:path> <o:lock v:ext="edit" aspectratio="t"></o:lock> </v:shapetype><v:shape id="Picture_x0020_11" o:spid="_x0000_i1025" type="#_x0000_t75" alt="" href="" style='width:450pt;height:54pt; visibility:visible;mso-wrap-style:square' o:button="t"> <v:imagedata src="file:///C:/Users/BRYCE~1.THI/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image001.jpg" o:title="6f1fb255-647c-4e84-adc5-291f5fcdcb90"></v:imagedata> </v:shape><![endif][if !vml][endif]

Why are we meeting?

Your voice is important. CSAN's mission is to support and promote quality educational standards in charter schools through professional development, public advocacy, and public awareness. Working together, we can grow the strength, confidence, and impact of Nevada's charter community.

When and where will we meet?

Let's visit each other! Meetings are hosted with member schools. Our first meeting will be January 26th (Friday: 10:00am-1pm) Coral Academy of Science Nellis 42 Baer Drive, Las Vegas NV 89115

Located on the Nellis Air Force Base, this prek-5 campus has two unique aspects as a charter school: first, the community here sought out a charter to replace their district school and second, this school serves the needs of diverse civilian and military families. As charter leaders, visiting CAS Nellis is a great opportunity for you to see and learn about how charters bring choice to Nevada's students. In March, we will meet in northern Nevada and then again in the Vegas area near the end of the school year.

What will we do?

Inspired by your input, each meeting will include three components:

  • Brunch served first! Enjoy a meal together while we give CSAN updates, introductions, and key announcements.

  • "Ed Talk" No, not quite a TED talk, but an expert presentation of useful, interesting, and meaningful information to keep you up-to-date and looking forward.

  • "Us Talk" Facilitated time for attendees to share ideas, challenges, and opportunities around a chosen topic.

What do you need to do?

Mark your calendars!

I'll be in touch with topic details and formal RSVP next week. Take the survey!

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